Monday, January 12, 2015

January 24th "Out on the Farm" Class - Seed Selection & Companion Planting

Yeah!!!!! It's finally here . . . January and time to order all the seeds for this year's planting!  

Bald Knob Farm is hosting our FIRST "Out on the Farm" class series which will cover topics such as seed selection and companion planting.  We will have some great prizes, everyone will get to take home seed catalogs AND some seed packets specially grown and prepared by Bald Knob Farm. I also heard there will be wild blackberry cobbler and hot coffee!

Location: Bald Knob Farm, 4921 Creel Road, Harrison, AR 72601
Date: Saturday, January 24th, 2014
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Cost: $10 per person
Payment must accompany RSVP and is non-refundable.
This is to ensure enough materials are available for everyone.

There are only 20 slots available for this first class, so sign-up quickly!

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